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About the artwork

The artwork featured on this website was designed by Rickesha Burdett. Rickesha is an artist and Noongar woman from the Menang region of WA and currently living in the Whadjuk country.

Rickesha tells her story about the artwork...

This painting represents the ATSI COVID-19 Point-of-Care Testing program and the testing that they are rolling out in the communities for the Covid-19 virus.

In the centre I have used small red symbols to represent the COVID-19 Virus.

The U shapes around the centre that are facing the virus represent the TTANGO 2 Staff who are Training Health professionals on how to roll out the COVID-19 Testing. The U shapes in the centre that are facing the different pathways to different communities, represent the Staff who are out in the community educating individuals and families about the COVID-19 virus and that are conducting the testing for COVID-19. It also represents other health professionals who may also be frontline workers involved in conducting the testing for the virus or treating patients which will help protect our mob and keep our communities strong.

The different communities can be found in the pathways with families sitting around the camp supporting each other during this pandemic.

I chose to do a more contemporary and bright design for this piece to show that even during the darkest days we can support each other for a brighter future, and that's what the bright colours represent. A brighter future.

COVID POCT Artwork by Rickesha Burdett